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It’s Better to Light One Candle than to Curse the Darkness
Whether you consider this saying to be from an old Chinese proverb, or one credited to Eleanor Roosevelt, the meaning varies from “it’s better to do something about a problem than just complain about it”, to just being a way to get through hard times, either one...
Mark Granovetter – The Strength of Weak Ties
Back in 1970, after extensive research, mostly as it related to ‘job-seekers’, Mark Granovetter, then a Harvard Professor, created a concept he coined, “Weak Ties”. To explain it better, imagine a typical bow and arrow target complete with a bullseye and two circles...
Are You a NetWeaver?
NetWeaving is all about creating trusted relationships by connecting people with someone whom they would benefit meeting OR Providing people with valuable resources. NetWeaving is other-centered, while networking is self-centered. Bob Littell is the creator of the...